
10 uses of potatoes you must know


10 uses of potatoes you must know

Potato is a widely used food to prepare dishes from Asia to Europe. Not only delicious, potatoes also have many great benefits for health. Through this article, Organica will share with you 10 uses of potatoes. Let's find out how this tuber is good for health!
10 uses of potatoes for health
Here are 10 health benefits of potatoes that Organica has summed up.
Prevention of diabetes
Potatoes contain a lot of carbohydrates with the ability to limit and control blood sugar. Therefore, doctors often advise people with diabetes to add potatoes to the diet.
Health promotion
A mistake many people still think is that potatoes cause weight gain. In fact, this tuber does not contain many calories, but on the contrary, it can also fight hunger and reduce cholesterol. As a result, the body will be healthy and reduce the risk of being overweight.

Figure 1: Potatoes help promote health
1. Anti-inflammatory, pain relief
Potatoes are also rich in vitamin C. This is not only a substance that improves resistance but also is likened to a natural pain reliever, very safe for the body. You can use potato slices to apply externally to areas of skin that are inflamed or painful.

2. Improves Digestive Function
Because they are high in carbohydrates, potatoes are easy to digest when cooked. The rich fiber content helps potatoes as a laxative, stimulates digestion, prevents constipation and helps improve intestinal problems.

Figure 2: Potatoes are good for the digestive system
3. Good for nerves and brain
The content of iron, vitamins B6, C in potatoes will help the brain develop in the best way. And yet, potassium, manganese, fatty acids, and amino acids in this root also help the brain to react faster, work and learn more effectively.
4. Prevent depression, reduce stress
Few people know, regular use of potatoes also helps prevent depression, reduce stress effectively. In potatoes, vitamin B6 when cooked will be absorbed and converted into organic compounds with the effect of calming nerves, reducing anxiety, and preventing the risk of depression.
5. Cancer Prevention
Potatoes contain strong antioxidants, so they are able to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals. When combined with other ingredients, it will inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
6. Prevention of kidney stones, gout
Although potatoes contain little purines, they are rich in vitamin C. Therefore, potatoes also have the ability to reduce purines, prevent and support gout treatment.
In addition, people at high risk of kidney stones should also regularly add potatoes to their meals. Iron and calcium in potatoes can fight the formation of kidney stones.
7. Treatment of stomach ulcers, reflux
Research has shown that potatoes contain many special antibacterial molecules. These molecules have the ability to kill bacteria that cause stomach ulcers. The starch and fiber content in potatoes when entering the stomach also helps absorb acid and secretions. Therefore, the lesions in the stomach will heal quickly.

Figure 3: The treatment effect of peptic ulcer and reflux of potatoes
8. Safe weight loss
Potatoes are low in fat but rich in nutrients. Therefore, using potatoes in your diet can help you lose weight significantly. Because, you will significantly reduce fat while ensuring the body has enough nutrition every day.
9. Lower blood pressure
The ingredients including potassium, kukoamine and soluble fiber in potatoes make this food a savior for people with high blood pressure. These substances will help lower blood pressure by stimulating blood vessels to dilate, stabilizing blood glucose levels, helping blood circulation take place smoothly.
10. Good for people with diabetes
Potatoes have a positive effect in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. The substances in potatoes will help stabilize blood glucose levels, thereby controlling and minimizing the risk of dangerous complications.
Note to grasp when eating potatoes
Although it has many health benefits, the wrong use of potatoes can also cause you to experience many effects, even life-threatening. So, you need to know a few important notes when using this food.

Figure 4: There are a few important things to keep in mind when using potatoes

Before using potatoes, need to peel off the skin, soak in water for 15-20 minutes to remove acrilamite - an unhealthy substance in potatoes.
Do not combine potatoes with tomatoes because these two foods when combined will cause indigestion, not good for the stomach
Only cook potatoes until cooked. Because, if you cook for too long, it will cause vitamin C and some nutrients in potatoes to decompose
Do not eat potatoes that are green or have sprouted. Because, at this time, potatoes contain a lot of solanine, which can cause food poisoning, even death.
Raw potatoes can be used because the vitamin C content is higher than cooked potatoes. However, it should only be used in moderation.