
Collection of delicious dishes from delicious asparagus


Collection of delicious dishes from delicious asparagus

Asparagus is a food that contains many nutrients and has good health effects. Therefore, this is one of the ingredients that housewives love and choose a lot for the menu of meals in the family. In this article, Organica will synthesize delicious dishes from asparagus so that you can change the menu to help the whole family have a more delicious meal.
Learn about asparagus
Asparagus is a plant that grows underground, the scientific name is Asparagus officinalis. The origin of asparagus comes from Europe, North Africa, and West Asia. Today, asparagus is grown in many regions and countries and is very popular for its delicious taste.

Figure 1: Asparagus is a popular nutritious food in many countries

The rhizome of asparagus is characterized by thick, spongy, long roots with a diameter of 5-6cm with a light brown color. In particular, the stem of asparagus grows upright with needle-shaped leaves, small bell-shaped flowers.

Asparagus is harvested or from March to May. In addition, asparagus is also classified into 3 types such as white asparagus, purple asparagus, green asparagus.
Delicious delicious asparagus dishes
Asparagus today is widely sold in traditional markets and supermarkets across the country to meet the needs of consumers. Here are 10 delicious dishes made from asparagus that you can refer to.

1. Stir-fried asparagus with beef
Beef is a nutritious food, when combined with asparagus will create a delicious and healthy dish. The way to make this dish is also very simple and does not take much time. The finished product is a dish consisting of moderately tender beef, not chewy, evenly absorbed with spices. Asparagus retains its crispiness. This is sure to be a delicious dish that the whole family will love!

Figure 2: Stir-fried asparagus with beef is a familiar dish, simple to prepare

2. Stir-fried Asparagus with Shrimp
A dish that is both easy to make and delicious and nutritious that housewives should not ignore is fried asparagus with shrimp. Shrimp is a favorite seafood and contains many minerals. The recipe for this dish is simple, but the finished product will surprise you.

Soft and sweet shrimp when stir-fried with crispy asparagus will create an attractive dish. Not only that, the green color of asparagus when combined with the orange-red color of shrimp will bring a beautiful dish in appearance. This dish is not only suitable for family meals but also chosen to treat guests and parties on important occasions.

3. Stir-fried asparagus with squid
Instead of using shrimp like the dish above, you can use squid to stir-fry with asparagus. This is not a bad dish when the asparagus is crispy, the squid is sweet and soft, and the flavor is fragrant from spices like garlic. This dish when eaten with white rice will be very wasteful.

4. Stir-fried asparagus with chicken breast
A dish suitable for those who are in the process of losing weight on a diet but still ensuring nutrition for the body. Stir-fried asparagus with chicken breast is not only beautiful in appearance but also very delicious. Crispy asparagus combined with rich chicken breast, adding a little spicy and strong ginger. This dish can be eaten with white rice.

Figure 3: Stir-fried asparagus with chicken breast is suitable for people who are on a diet

5. Sauteed Asparagus Nail Snails
Usually, nail snails are often stir-fried with water spinach. However, stir-fried asparagus with snail nails is also a great combination. This dish is delicious, rich in flavor and provides a lot of nutrients for the body.

6. Sauteed Asparagus with Garlic
Without the need for any other ingredients, asparagus itself can also produce a very healthy and rice-consuming dish. It's fried asparagus with garlic. The dish has the crunchiness of asparagus, the natural sweetness and aroma of garlic. With a simple and quick way of processing, you have an attractive dish that no one can resist.

7. Asparagus soup
If you are tired of greasy fried asparagus dishes, you can change the taste with asparagus soup. This dish after completion will have a beautiful green color. The smooth, sweet, buttery soup blends with the aroma of asparagus and celery. This soup is not only suitable for adults but also for children.

8. Chicken Asparagus Soup
Chicken asparagus soup is sweet from chicken broth with mushrooms and vegetables. Delicious tender chicken combined with asparagus creates a delicious, attractive and nutritious soup. A cup of hot, smoky soup is perfect to enjoy on a chilly afternoon.

Figure 4: Chicken asparagus soup is both delicious and healthy

9. Asparagus crab soup
Asparagus crab soup is worth making for the whole family to enjoy. Because, this is a very good nutritional supplement for the body. Asparagus crab soup has a sweet, fatty broth, soft and irresistible crab meat. You can add mushrooms or shrimp to make the dish richer and more attractive.

10. Stir-fried scallops with asparagus
It would be remiss to skip the stir-fried scallops with asparagus. This is a delicious, nutritious and healthy dish. Scallop is a precious food with an abundant source of nutrients. When stir-fried with asparagus, the finished product is a delicious and strange dish.
Instructions on how to prepare and preserve asparagus
In addition to grasping a few dishes made from asparagus, housewives should also refer to how to prepare and preserve asparagus in the most appropriate way.
How to prepare asparagus
When choosing to buy, should choose asparagus with green, fresh taste. You can use the naked eye to observe the asparagus plants are plump, not faded. The stem of asparagus worth buying also shows no signs of wilting or wrinkling.

To prepare this food, it is necessary to wash it thoroughly with water several times first. Then, use scissors to remove the old stem and peel away the long hard bamboo shoots. Only keep the young and soft bamboo shoots.

Figure 5: How to prepare asparagus
How to store asparagus?
Because it is a nutritious food, it is possible to prepare many delicious dishes, so housewives often tend to store a lot of asparagus for convenient use. Here are 2 ways to preserve asparagus for a long time that you can refer to.
Method 1: Store in the refrigerator by putting asparagus in a glass jar, add enough water to cover the roots of the bamboo shoots, use a clean plastic bag to cover the tops of the bamboo shoots and jars. With this method, fresh bamboo shoots can be stored for 1 week.
Method 2: Preserving asparagus with newspaper is also a good way to be applied by many people. You just need to soak asparagus in cold water for about 5 minutes, then use clean newspaper or moisture-proof paper to wrap the base of the asparagus and tie it tightly and put it in the refrigerator.

This article has compiled delicious dishes from asparagus that housewives should know. Get started on making these easy-to-find healthy and delicious dishes for the whole family. Organica always provides a full range of quality foods including asparagus. Don't forget to visit website: for more useful information!