
How to use manuka honey properly


How to use manuka honey properly

Manuka honey is classified as an expensive food due to its outstanding benefits compared to regular honey. Many people are also not afraid to "pain their wallet" to own jars of pure honey and rich in nutritional value. This is considered the first ingredient in dishes such as cakes, tea or used as a skin care mask.
However, do you know how to use manuka honey properly? Let's find out some outstanding recipes from the suggestions below.
1. What is manuka honey?
Manuka honey is specially produced in New Zealand and is extracted from the nectar of the wild Manuka tree. This is also the reason for the unique name "manuka honey". Thanks to its benign properties, Manuka flowers are prized for their ability to bring many health benefits.
What is manuka honey?
Therefore, the nectar obtained from this pure flower also possesses "serious" ingredients such as methylglyoxal, calories, starch, sugar and sodium which are very good for the body. However, in order to get the most out of this precious honey, you need to know how to use manuka honey properly and get the most out of it. Some outstanding uses if you know how to use them can help you improve your digestive tract, relieve a sore throat, beautify your skin or aid in wound healing.
2. How to use manuka honey
2.1. Using manuka honey to treat disease
Manuka honey can be used as an effective home remedy for cough, inflammation or sore throat. The reason is because honey contains methylglyoxal - a substance that has the ability to fight inflammation and kill disease-causing bacteria.
Using manuka honey to treat disease
To improve the condition, the best way to use manuka honey is to combine with a few slices of fresh lemon. Then steam it in a water bath until the honey melts with the lemon and it can be drunk. In addition, using manuka honey about 3-4 times a day or using it with warm lemon water also helps to reduce symptoms of inflammation or obvious gastric reflux.
2.2. How to use honey Beauty skin
In the field of beauty, manuka honey is fully utilized to make a daily skin care mask. After washing your face thoroughly, apply a thin layer of honey to your skin and let it rest for 10-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Consistently doing it regularly will make your skin smooth, radiant and effectively prevent acne.
In addition, using honey 1-2 times a day also actively supports in nurturing a clear, healthy skin.
2.3. Use manuka honey to increase resistance
One of the ways to use manuka honey is to help strengthen the body's resistance. So for those who have weak resistance and are prone to minor illnesses due to weather changes, using manuka honey is considered an effective solution. You can drink it in the morning by mixing honey in warm water with a few drops of lemon juice or mixing it with chamomile tea before going to bed.
Use manuka honey to increase resistance
2.4. Treatment of skin diseases
Thanks to its unique ingredient list with many compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, manuka honey is used as a remedy for skin problems such as psoriasis, rashes, dry skin. By applying it directly to the problem area and leaving it on for about an hour, the condition can be relieved.
You can also apply manuka honey to the wound after it has been cleaned to prevent infection.
3. Note how to use manuka honey
Manuka honey has many health benefits, but you also need to be careful in how to use it to avoid harming the body. To avoid poisoning, you absolutely should not give manuka honey to children under 1 year old. The appropriate amount for children over 1 year old is 5-10g and adults are up to 10g daily. In addition, subjects with a history of allergy to honey or people with diabetes should preferably not use manuka honey.
As an address providing reputable organic products, Organica is proud to be trusted by many customers to choose and shop. Currently, TranzAlpine's MG 550+ organic manuka honey is available at O's store with top quality. Guaranteed 100% pure and not mixed with other types of honey so that each bottle of manuka honey always has the best taste and quality, making customers satisfied.
With the above suggestions on how to use manuka honey, Organica hopes to bring many useful sources of information to you. In addition, if you have any questions about the product, do not hesitate to contact the staff here for quick and timely support!