
Instructions for making crispy and delicious fried squid with bell peppers


Instructions for making crispy and delicious fried squid with bell peppers

If you are thinking about not knowing what to cook for the whole family, why don't housewives refer to fried squid with bell peppers? With familiar ingredients, you can completely make delicious dishes with crispy squid, juicy bell peppers. In this article, Organica will guide you to make the most detailed and specific dish of fried squid with bell peppers so that anyone can do it.
Nutrition of fried squid with bell pepper
Stir-fried squid with bell pepper is not only delicious but also very nutritious because the two main ingredients, squid and bell pepper, both contain a lot of nutritional ingredients.

Picture 1: Stir-fried squid with bell pepper is not only delicious but also nutritious

In particular, squid contains many proteins and minerals necessary for the body such as riboflavin, vitamin B12, phosphorus, copper and selenium, low in saturated fat and low in sodium. Besides, bell peppers also contain many vitamins and minerals including vitamins K1, E, A, folate and potassium. In particular, bell peppers are also a rich source of vitamin C. On average, one red bell pepper provides 169% of the daily vitamin intake.

Therefore, fried squid with bell pepper is not only a dish that consumes rice but also provides the body with essential nutrients. This is the reason that this dish is chosen by many housewives to prepare for the whole family.
2 ways to make crispy and delicious fried squid with bell peppers
There are many ways to prepare fried squid with bell pepper. Depending on the taste and preferences of each person, you can choose the appropriate recipe. Here are 2 ways to make fried squid with bell pepper that many people love. Let's refer to offline!

Stir-fried squid with bell pepper with sate sauce
This is a simple dish, suitable for those who like spicy food. Delicious chewy squid combined with crispy sweet bell peppers, spicy satay will create a perfect dish, extremely catchy.

Figure 2: Stir-fried squid with bell peppers with satay sauce is a favorite dish of many people

Ingredients to be prepared
Fresh squid 500g
3-4 bell peppers
Delicious satay
Common seasonings such as salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate
Cooking oil
Purple onion

How to make fried squid with bell pepper satay
Once you have all the ingredients ready, let's start making this dish according to the steps below.
Squid is washed with salt water 2-3 times to remove dirt and oil
Cut the squid into bite-sized pieces, use a knife to lightly cut a few lines on the squid to absorb the seasoning and look more eye-catching
Bell peppers washed, sliced to taste
Minced red onion for sauce
Put the pan on the stove, add cooking oil until it is hot, then add the onions and stir until fragrant, season to taste. Then, add 1-2 tablespoons of satay.
Stir the mixture of satay sauce and fried onions to absorb the spices, have a characteristic aroma, then add the squid and stir-fry.
When the squid is almost cooked, add bell peppers and sauté for 2-3 minutes and turn off the heat
Remove to a plate and enjoy

This dish will be very suitable to eat with white rice in cold or rainy days. The spicy taste of satay will help you feel more delicious!
Stir-fried squid with bell pepper
If you don't like spicy food or don't like satay, you can make a regular fried squid with bell pepper. Crispy squid, sweet and cool chili mixed with spices will create an attractive dish.

Picture 3: Stir-fried squid with bell peppers is simple and delicious

Materials needed
Fresh squid 500g
3 bell peppers
Purple onion
Cooking oil
Common seasonings such as salt, seasoning, monosodium glutamate, pepper

How to make fried squid with bell pepper
Bell peppers with stems and seeds removed, washed with water and cut into bite-sized pieces
Red onions and peppers cut with a knife
Squid wash with water, remove viscous, dirt in the belly. Then cut the squid into bite-sized pieces
Put squid in a bowl, marinate with chopped red onion and chili with 1 teaspoon seasoning, 1/2 teaspoon monosodium glutamate, oyster sauce, leave for about 1 hour to absorb the seasoning.
Put the pan on the stove, add cooking oil and add the marinated squid and stir-fry until the squid is firm and turns opaque white
Add bell peppers and stir-fry, season to taste
Fry quickly on the stove for about 2 more minutes and turn off the heat
Arrange the dish on a plate, add some ground pepper to make it attractive and you can enjoy it
Notes to keep in mind when making fried squid with bell peppers
In order for the fried squid with bell pepper to be the most delicious and attractive, you should grasp a few important notes below.

Do not stir-fry squid for too long on the fire because this can make the squid less crispy and sweet
There is no need to add water to the stir-fry because squid is a food that will release a lot of water when processed
Choose ingredients carefully, do not choose stale or aged squid because it can affect health. Should choose squid with firm meat, high elasticity. In addition, squid with clear eyes, not opaque is fresh squid
Bell peppers should choose hard, round, not damaged, bruised

Hopefully this article has helped you know how to stir-fry squid with bell peppers so that they are crunchy and juicy. Don't forget to share the instructions for making fried squid with bell peppers with your friends and relatives so that everyone can enjoy this delicious dish!