
Instructions on how to make black garlic properly at home


Instructions on how to make black garlic properly at home

Black Garlic is a very healthy food and has been proven by many studies, so black garlic is very popular. This leads to the fact that the price of black garlic is quite expensive, so many people who have the need to use it are still quite hesitant. Through this article, Organica will guide you on how to properly make black garlic at home to help you both have good food for your family and save money. Let's consult now!
What is black garlic, how does it work for health?
Before learning about how to make black garlic at home, let's clarify what black garlic is as well as its great health effects!

Figure 1: What is black garlic, how is it beneficial to health?

Black garlic is a processed product that is not available in nature. Common garlic bulbs will undergo a slow fermentation at strict temperature and humidity. Compared with normal white garlic, black garlic has several times more active ingredients.
Not to mention the active ingredients in black garlic are S-allyl-L-cysteine (SAC), fructose, polyphenols or organic sulfur compounds.
Health benefits of black garlic
Black garlic bulbs are considered "small but mighty" when it possesses many great health benefits.
Increase resistance: Black garlic has increased active ingredients, especially Allicin, which has the ability to kill viruses and bacteria. Regular use of black garlic will help patients recover quickly, strengthen the immune system and resistance.
Prevent and treat cancer: The S-allylcysteine compound present in black garlic has the ability to inhibit cancer cells. Besides, black garlic also reduces the risk of cancer effectively.
Reduce blood fat, lower blood cholesterol: Eating black garlic regularly and properly will lower blood fat, lower blood cholesterol and maintain them at a reasonable level. Especially for people who are overweight, obese, the elderly.
Antioxidant: Black garlic is proven to have anti-oxidant capabilities, which is very beneficial for aging cases, people with skin inflammation.
Support treatment of cardiovascular disease: Black garlic is considered a great medicinal herb to support the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Arthritis pain relief: It must be mentioned that black garlic has the ability to reduce pain and inflammation. In addition, this food also promotes the recovery process, improves the function of muscle mass after injury, helps the body to be more supple and healthy.
Instructions on how to make black garlic properly at home
Because it is a healthy food, but currently black garlic on the market is sold at a variety of prices. Because of this, consumers are often confused about the origin and quality of black garlic. So, how to make black garlic properly at home is very interested.

Few people know, with simple ingredients and a few items close to life, you can completely make a "magic" black garlic dish in health care.

Without making you wait long, Organica will guide you on how to properly make black garlic at home below. Let's refer!

Figure 2: How to make black garlic at home

Materials and supplies to be prepared
Garlic 1kg
Beer 330ml (1 can)
Rice cooker, foil/aluminum foil, food wrap, chopsticks, brass

How to cook black garlic
After buying garlic, wash it, remove the outer shell, cut the stem and put it in a clean bowl
Pour beer into the garlic bowl, soak for about 30 minutes. Use chopsticks to stir so that the garlic infuses the beer faster
Take out the garlic and let it dry, place the garlic in the center of the foil, cover the sides to prevent it from being exposed. Place the foil wrapped garlic in the rice cooker
Cover the lid of the rice cooker, cover the lid with food wrap so that the lid is closed with the inner pot.
Plug it in and choose to keep warm if you do it at night
After the 2nd day, the black garlic will be qualified if you open the pot lid and smell the aroma like boiled corn, the outside is hot
On the 5th day, the garlic will turn gray, the aroma is mild
On the 9th day, garlic has a wet brown skin, black and gray inside
On the 11th day, the garlic inside is black, sweet and sour, when you eat it, you can feel its softness
On the 14th day, garlic is black, soft, sweet and sour, and fragrant
The black garlic dish was successful and can be used immediately

In addition to using a rice cooker, you can choose to make black garlic with a specialized machine. On the market today, there is a quick black garlic making machine, without the need to wrap the garlic like how it is made with a rice cooker. When the fermentation is finished, the machine will automatically switch to standby mode. Compared to making with a rice cooker, making black garlic by a machine ensures better temperature and humidity.

However, not everyone has the conditions to own a dedicated black garlic making machine. Meanwhile, the rice cooker is an item found in every home, so it will be more economical and convenient to make black garlic.
Notes to keep in mind when making black garlic at home
Although making black garlic at home is quite simple, not everyone succeeds. In order for the standard black garlic dish to have a natural aroma, a sweet and sour taste, and be flexible, you need to grasp a few important notes below.

Choose garlic that is large, not too thin. Should choose lonely garlic because quality is guaranteed, sweet and soft taste, not pungent.
Do not soak garlic with beer for too long. Garlic must be completely drained, then put into the pot
After 5-7 days, it is necessary to check for timely adjustment. If the garlic is a bit wet, it should be dried in the sun and then put in the pot to continue
When finished, but the black garlic is wet or mushy, it should be dried in the shade or using a fan to dry.
Above is a guide on how to make black garlic properly at home that anyone can do. Wishing you success with the recipe shared above to own nutritious and delicious black garlic cloves for the whole family.