
Instructions on how to make delicious and nutritious salmon salad that everyone loves


Instructions on how to make delicious and nutritious salmon salad that everyone loves

Salmon salad is a common item on the menu at BBQ and hot pot restaurants. This dish is very suitable for serving with grilled meat because it is not only delicious but also helps to balance nutrients for the body. If you also love this delicious, frugal dish, then immediately refer to the article on how to make salmon salad shared by Organica below.

Salmon salad - healthy food
Not coincidentally, salmon salad is included in the list of favorite side dishes at large restaurant systems.

The main ingredient of this dish is salmon - a fish that contains many healthy nutrients. Specifically, in salmon contains:


Picture 1: Delicious, healthy salmon salad

These nutrients not only help promote health but also have the effect of supporting the treatment of some diseases such as heart disease, depression, memory loss... Salmon is also considered a good food for children. , pregnant women, people who have just woken up sick.

Salmon salad often has more ingredients such as vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, so it is very good for health, helping to maintain a beautiful shape and skin.

Instructions on how to make delicious and nutritious salmon salad
Salmon salad can be transformed into many different recipes to avoid boredom or bring newness to the audience. You can refer to a few simple, easy-to-follow salmon salad recipes below.

1. Salmon Salad with Yogurt Sauce
This dish is loved because of its soft and fragrant fish meat, combined with salads and many other vegetables, creating a sweet crunch for the dish. Yogurt and mayonnaise also help to increase the attractiveness of the dish that everyone who enjoys must admire.

Figure 2: Salmon salad with yogurt sauce

Materials to prepare:

200g salmon fillet
100g lettuce, 80g cucumber
80g cherry tomatoes
50g red radish
50g sprouts
Process materials:

Salmon should be washed with diluted salt water mixed with lemon juice to remove the fishy smell. Remove the fish and let it drain. Or, you can soak salmon with fresh milk for 5-7 minutes. Then, cut the fish into bite-sized cubes, marinate with 1/2 teaspoon seasoning, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, parsley and olive oil. Mix well and leave for 5-10 minutes.
Green apples are washed, peeled and diced.
Cherry tomatoes, washed and cut in half
Radishes, cucumbers washed, thinly sliced
Lettuce and sprouts soaked in salt water, drained
How to make salmon salad with yogurt sauce

Grilled salmon for 10 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius.
Yogurt sauce recipe: Put yogurt and mayonnaise in a bowl, add 20ml of olive oil, 30ml of apple juice, 15ml of honey, 1 pinch of salt and pepper. Mix.
For ingredients including lettuce, sprouts, tomatoes, green apples, radishes, cucumbers, grilled salmon. Pour sauce over and mix with chopsticks.
Remove to a plate and enjoy.
2. Vinegar Salmon Salad
Vinegar salmon salad is an eye-catching dish when it combines ingredients including lettuce, purple onion, and tomato. In particular, the salmon is fried until golden outside, so the inside still retains its inherent sweetness and sweetness. This dish is very suitable to enjoy with family at weekend gatherings.

Figure 3: Salmon salad with vinegar

Materials to prepare:

300g salmon fillet
200g lettuce
100g cherry tomatoes
100g baby cucumber
100g purple onion
1/2 lemon, 2 tablespoons minced parsley
2 teaspoons minced garlic
Olive oil, vinegar, white sugar and other seasonings
Process materials:

Wash the salmon, dry the surface of the fish with a towel, then marinate with 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon minced garlic. Then, mix well so that the spices are evenly absorbed into the fish meat.
Vegetables and fruits soaked in salt water, washed and drained.
Cut the lettuce into bite-sized pieces, cut the tomatoes in half
Thinly sliced cucumber
Red onion peeled, cut into strips

Put salmon in a pan with a little oil, sauté until golden brown on both sides. Take the fish out and absorb the oil, cut into bite-sized pieces
Vinegar sauce recipe: 2 tablespoons vinegar oil, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic, 1/2 teaspoon cilantro, 1 lemon peel grated puree, lemon juice, 2 tablespoons olive oil. Gently stir to combine the mixture.
Put the ingredients including lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomato, red onion, star anise in a large bowl, pour the prepared sauce and mix well with chopsticks.
Remove to a plate and enjoy
3. Salmon Basil Salad
Salmon salad with basil is loved by the delicious, nutritious salmon meat with rich sauce, fresh vegetables. This is definitely a dish that everyone should try once in their life.

Ingredients to be prepared

300g salmon fillet
1 tomato, 100g bell pepper, 1/2 onion
15g basil, roasted white sesame puree
1 tablespoon garlic oil, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, Tabasco sauce, 1 tablespoon rice vinegar, lemon juice
Pepper with other spices such as sugar, seasoning...
Process materials

Wash salmon, use a towel to absorb all the water on the fish and cut into bite-sized pieces
Marinate fish with salt, seasoning, pepper, lemon juice and a little oil for 10 minutes
The vegetables are washed and drained. Onions and bell peppers are cut lengthwise, soaked in ice water to reduce pungentness and crispiness when eaten
Tomato, seeded, cut
Pickled basil leaves, chopped

How to make salmon basil salad
The salmon is pan-fried, about 1 minute on each side. Do not fry the fish for too long because it will lose the natural sweetness of the fish
Sauce recipe: 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon Tabasco sauce, 1 tablespoon garlic oil, stir well.
Place all ingredients in a large bowl, add the prepared sauce and mix well. Leave for about 5 minutes for the seasoning to infuse. Remove to a plate and add 1 teaspoon of roasted white sesame seeds for aroma.
How to choose fresh ingredients for salmon salad
Figure 4: Tips for choosing salmon for a more delicious and attractive salad

The secret to making salmon salad more delicious and attractive is the step of choosing ingredients. Here are a few notes on choosing to buy salmon and other ingredients to keep it fresh, ensuring food safety and hygiene.
Salmon buying tip: Salmon flesh should be bright pink or orange. If the meat turns dark, it means the meat is rotten and about to decompose. You can use your hand to press into the flesh of the fish, if there are dents but quickly return to the original state, it means the meat is fresh and worth buying.
The remaining ingredients need to be fresh, not damaged or stamped.
Should choose to buy at reputable and reliable addresses

At Organica, you can buy natural Japanese salmon of the best quality. In addition, other ingredients such as vegetables are also certified organic, ensuring safety for users.

Hopefully, the above article on how to make salmon salad has helped you have more simple recipes to be ready to show off for the whole family. Start making it today with Organica's fresh ingredients!