
Instructions on how to make fruit salad to help you look beautiful and beautiful


Instructions on how to make fruit salad to help you look beautiful and beautiful

Salad made with fruit is always a favorite dish of many women because of its great effects on health and beauty. Not only that, the way to make this dish is also extremely simple and you can freely create as you like. In this article, Organica will guide you on how to make fruit salad to help you stay in shape, beautiful skin that anyone can do.
Great effects of fruit salad on health and beauty
Before learning about how to make salad, let's find out what the effects of this dish on health and beauty are. Fruit salad is not only delicious and easy to eat but also contains many nutritional values, helping to reduce many diseases.

Figure 1: Fruit salad has many great effects on health and beauty

Help lose weight: If you are in the process of dieting and want to lose weight, you cannot help but use fruit salad. The fiber found in some fruits will help you feel full faster at the main meal. And yet, this dish also limits the intake of bad cholesterol into the body.
Reduce stress: Fruit salad is often combined with other grains such as chia seeds, walnuts... These are nuts that contain many healthy fats. Loading up on healthy fats from plant-based omega 3 helps keep the brain healthy and reduces stress.
Helps skin full of vitality: Regularly eating fruit salad will help you get skin full of vitality, smooth and bright white.
Instructions on how to make fruit salad with 3 simple recipes
There are many fruit salad recipes that you can make. However, here are 3 simple recipes with easy-to-find ingredients that are both delicious and nutritious that you should refer to.
1. Fruit Salad Without Sauce
This is a simple salad recipe that is perfect for those who just love to eat whole fruit. With salad without sauce, you will fully enjoy the taste of fruits such as sour, naturally sweet. In particular, this way of making salad also gives very eye-catching colors.

Figure 2: Fruit salad without sauce

Materials needed:
Fruits of all kinds: 1 apple, 10 strawberry, 30 blueberry, 1 orange, 1 banana, 1 lemon, 100g seedless grapes, cantaloupe, coconut nuts...

Wash the fruits, use a knife to cut into pieces to taste with apples, cantaloupe. Strawberries are cut in half, bananas are cut into 1cm thick slices, oranges are cut in half, lemon juice is squeezed out.
Put cantaloupe, grapes, blueberries, oranges, and strawberries in a large bowl, add apples and bananas and mix well
Put the salad on a plate, add grated coconut and enjoy
2. Yogurt fruit salad
This is a dish that many women love because it helps to maintain their figure and skin effectively.

Figure 3: Yogurt fruit salad is loved by many women

Be prepared:
Sliced mango 1/2 left
Dragon fruit 1 fruit
Watermelon 1/2 fruit
Grapes 500gr
Pineapple 1/2 fruit
Yogurt with sugar 1 box
Basil leaves 10 gr
(You can add, subtract or replace fruits as you like.)

Cut the fruits in turn into bite-sized pieces, put them all on a plate and put them in the refrigerator.
Mix the sauce according to the ratio: 4 tablespoons of yogurt + 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise + 2 tablespoons of condensed milk
Mix the mixed sauce with the fruit mixture, arrange on a plate and garnish with basil
3. Fruit and cheese salad
This is a salad recipe suitable for even the little ones with the rich, rich cheese flavor combined with the freshness of fruit. This salad is also suitable for those who are on a diet.

Figure 4: Fatty, fresh cheese and fruit salad

Materials needed:
Mint leaf

Prepare fruits, cut into bite-sized pieces.
Place the cut fruit in a large bowl, squeeze half a lemon and mix well
Crush cheese and mix with fruit and enjoy
Notes to keep in mind when making fruit salad
To make a delicious fruit salad, ensure food safety and hygiene and achieve the highest efficiency, you should grasp a few important notes below:
Choose to buy raw materials at a reputable and reliable address.
Fruit must be fresh, not damaged, moldy, stamped
When preliminary processing should remove the seeds because it can cause discomfort when eating
Cut the fruit into even pieces to be beautiful and convenient to eat

At Organica, you can find ingredients to make fruit salads with organic products, absolutely safe for health. The fruits available at Organica such as pineapple, apple, grape... are grown by organic methods, fresh and delicious every day.

Above is a guide on how to make fruit salad that Organica shares with you. Please provide nutrition and vitamins for your body with your favorite fruits with simple processing.