
[Q&A] Can sprouted onions and garlic be eaten?


[Q&A] Can sprouted onions and garlic be eaten?

We often hear about the dangers of sprouting potatoes. Therefore, many people also have questions about whether sprouted onions and garlic can be eaten, is it dangerous to life? To know the exact answer, let's find out through the article below!
Onions, garlic - common spices in the kitchen
Before figuring out the answer to whether sprouted onions and garlic are edible, let's take a quick look at these two common ingredients found in every kitchen.

Figure 1: Onions and garlic are known as familiar and popular spices in food processing

Onions and garlic are known to be spices that add flavor to food and have many health benefits. Specifically:
Onions are rich in vitamins C, B6, potassium, and folate
Garlic is likened to a natural antibiotic with the ability to strengthen the body's immunity as well as provide vitamins and minerals.

Because it is often used in cooking, onions and garlic are often stored in the kitchen. This leads to the sprouting of onions and garlic.
Why are onions and garlic prone to sprouting?
Onions and garlic sprouts due to air humidity. Onions and garlic are things to grow into new plants, so when the environment is right, they will be very easy to germinate and develop.

Because often used in food processing, many families have a habit of storing onions and garlic a lot. This leads to not eating in time and onions and garlic will sprout.

Figure 2: If not stored well, onions and garlic are easy to sprout
Can sprouted onions and garlic be eaten?
Going back to the question of many people is whether sprouted onions and garlic can be eaten or not and has any effect on health.

The answer here is that onions and garlic can still be eaten when sprouted. However, by this time the onion and garlic were spongy and mushy. Therefore, the inherent delicious taste of these two spices is also lost more or less.

The use of sprouted onions and garlic does not cause any harm to health.

In contrast, a study confirmed that 5-day sprouting garlic has higher heart-healthy antioxidant activity than fresh garlic. However, because onions and garlic are mainly used as a seasoning to increase the attractiveness of dishes and not as a source of antioxidants, it is better not to intentionally let onions and garlic sprout to eat.

Figure 3: Sprouted onions and garlic can still be eaten
How to use sprouted onions and garlic
You can also eat the sprouts of the onion if you want. If not, you can cut the onion in half to remove the sprouts and check the inside for mold or rot.

In particular, if you have an area of land for planting, you can plug the sprouts into the pot to plant new onions.
Tips to preserve onions and garlic from sprouting
If you also have the habit of storing a lot of onions and garlic for later use, then you definitely need to know the trick to keep these spices from sprouting.
Should be stored in a cool, dry place with good air circulation
Garlic can be broken into cloves and stored in a cool, ventilated place
Keep onions and garlic separate from other fruits and vegetables because ethylene gas will be released to stimulate the sprouting process of onions and garlic faster.

Hopefully, this article has helped you get the answer to whether sprouted onions and garlic are edible. Wish you will have more useful knowledge to use these spices effectively and safely for health.