
Tell you how to make delicious onion chicken salad, not pungent


Tell you how to make delicious onion chicken salad, not pungent

Onion chicken salad is a familiar dish often found in family meals, parties, and parties. With easy-to-find ingredients, you can absolutely show off your talent in making this dish for the whole family to enjoy. Don't worry if you are someone who rarely goes to the kitchen, Organica will guide you on how to make onion chicken salad that is both delicious and simple without being pungent. Check it out now!
Nutritional value of chicken onion salad
Before embarking on the implementation, let's learn about the nutritional value of onion chicken salad as well as explain why this dish is so popular.

The main ingredients of the onion chicken salad are chicken and onions. Chicken contains many vitamins such as A, B1, B2, C, E, and minerals such as iron, phosphorus, calcium. Besides, onions are also ingredients that contain many healthy nutritional values.

In 100g onion chicken salad will contain about 239 calories with 13.5g protein, 5.7g fat, fiber, minerals...

Figure 1: Chicken and onion salad with high nutritional value

Delicious chicken, tender meat, crispy skin when mixed with crispy, cool onions will create an irresistible dish. This dish is suitable for enjoying on hot sunny days.
How to make delicious onion chicken salad, not pungent
Now, let's immediately refer to how to make delicious, non-pungent chicken and onion salad with Organica!

Materials to prepare:
1/2 chicken
2 onions
Other ingredients such as lemongrass, ginger, galangal, horn chili, pandan leaves, lemon leaves, sliced purple onion, roasted sesame
Spices: cashew nuts, white wine, onion oil, sugar, fish sauce
Utensils: Spoon, bowl, cup, fork

Figure 2: Ingredients needed for chicken and onion salad

Prepare the ingredients:
Cut the onion into small pieces, soak in ice water for about 10-15 minutes to reduce the pungent and help the onion crispier.
Ginger, galangal sliced. Wash the cilantro and basil, then remove the leaves and chop finely. Chili peppers, seeded and cut. Sliced purple onion and sauteed until fragrant.
Put a pot of water on the stove, add sliced ginger and galangal, lemongrass and 2 tablespoons of white wine. Steam the chicken with low heat for about 40 minutes, then let it cool and shred it to taste.

How to mix onion chicken salad:
For the sauce, mix 1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of onion oil, 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, 3 tablespoons of sugar, stir until dissolved.
Put the shredded chicken on a plate, add 1 tablespoon of the sauce, mix well to infuse the seasoning into the meat. Add the onion, chili pepper and add 3 tablespoons of the sauce, mix well. Add fried onion, laksa leaves, sliced lemon leaves, 1 tablespoon of roasted sesame, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, mix well.

Picture 3: Delicious and attractive onion chicken salad

With a simple and quick way to make, you have a delicious onion chicken salad right away. The chicken is tender and sweet, and the onion is crispy without pungent, blended with the aroma of vegetables, the sweet and sour taste of the sauce creates an attractive dish.
Tips for choosing fresh ingredients for chicken onion salad
In addition to knowing the recipe and how to make it, you also need to know tips on choosing fresh ingredients for the chicken onion salad. Because, fresh ingredients will determine a lot to the deliciousness of the dish.
For chickens, it is recommended to choose delicious young chickens weighing between 1.5-2kg, firm meat. The chicken should have a bright, bright pink color and good elasticity when pressed. Chicken skin is thin, smooth, light yellow fat.
Do not buy chicken with white or black color, skin with bruises or hematomas
Onions should choose bulbs that have a round shape, roots with many long fibers because these are big bulbs. Avoid choosing tubers that have a different shape and have lost their roots. Delicious onions also have a thin, shiny, not dark skin

To own fresh ingredients, choose a reputable and reliable food supplier. Organica is one of the units specializing in providing clean organic food with guaranteed origin. Come to Organica to own the best ingredients for chicken onion salad.

Hopefully, through this article, you have learned how to make a delicious, non-pungent chicken and onion salad. Let's show off our talents to treat the whole family with this delicious, nutritious and extremely simple dish!