
What should watermelon juice mix with? Telling you very simple recipes


What should watermelon juice mix with? Telling you very simple recipes

Watermelon is considered a fruit that "saves" the body on hot days. Therefore, watermelon juice is very popular with people because of its easy-to-drink taste and quick refreshment. Not only that, the composition of this fruit is also appreciated when it contains many vitamins and minerals that are good for health.
If you are in the process of losing weight or want to improve the pigmentation of your skin, watermelon juice will definitely be an effective supplement. However, sometimes you need to find out what watermelon juice should be mixed with to refresh your taste.
Organic would like to introduce a few simple mix recipes, but the taste is sure to be delicious and irresistible.
Watermelon juice with guava
Guava is known as a "super fruit" that helps reduce acne on the skin as well as enhance the body's ability to produce collagen. The abundant vitamins A and C found in this fruit also support the strengthening of the digestive system, helping to lose weight and maintain shape.
Watermelon juice with guava
If you still do not know what watermelon juice should be mixed with, you should immediately choose a basket of juicy green guava. The characteristic aroma from guava mixed with the gentle smell of watermelon juice will help the taste and smell to be more stimulating.
1 watermelon
2 guava
Sugar or honey
How to proceed?
Rinse the outer skin of the watermelon and guava with water.
Cut the melon into small pieces, peel off the skin
Cut the guava into slices, remove the seeds inside.
Slowly add the ingredients to the juicer.
Pour the freshly squeezed juice into a glass, add sugar and ice to your liking.
Watermelon juice mixed with carrots
Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A, which helps to brighten the eyes and enhance vision. In addition, this tuber also has the ability to prevent the aging process caused by age problems, helping you look younger with natural glowing skin.
Watermelon juice mixed with carrots
It seems that combining with carrots will lose the taste of watermelon juice, but once you try to mix them together, it will definitely make you feel enchanted.
What ingredients for watermelon juice should be mixed with?
1 carrot
¼ teaspoon salt
How to proceed?
Wash the ingredients with clean water and dry.
Cut watermelon, carrots into small pieces for easy blending or juicing.
Put all the above ingredients in a blender, filter out the residue to get water. If you have a juicer, you should put each fruit in turn.
Add a little salt to taste and enjoy.
Watermelon juice with lemon
If it is difficult to choose what watermelon juice to mix with, you can choose to combine with lemon. This must be a familiar fruit, very easy to find in every kitchen of many families. Lemon contains high vitamin C content to help whiten the skin and strengthen the body's resistance.
Watermelon juice with lemon
1 fresh lemon
How to proceed?
After being washed, lemon and watermelon are cut into small pieces.
Put the ingredients in a blender, and remove the residue through a sieve.
Put the juice in a cup, add sugar and adjust according to taste.
Add ice cubes if you like it cold.
Mix watermelon juice with pineapple
The appropriate answer to the question of what watermelon juice should be mixed with is the combination of juice with pineapple. A beneficial use of this fruit is its ability to improve wrinkles on the face to help maintain shiny skin. However, you should not abuse too much pineapple in a glass of watermelon juice because it can lead to stomach-related symptoms.
Mix watermelon juice with pineapple
1 pineapple
Sugar or honey
How to proceed?
Peel the pineapple and cut it into small pieces.
Watermelon after washing, remove the skin and cut into small pieces for easy juicing.
Squeeze the ingredients together one at a time.
Add honey or sugar to make the juice sweet and easy to drink.
What should watermelon juice mix with? Combine with apples to enhance the taste
Most people often use apples to make juice or use as ingredients for desserts. Due to the nutrients in this fruit, it has the effect of detoxifying the body, removing toxins from the outside and beautifying the skin. The recipe of watermelon juice with apples will "rescue" you from the confusion about what watermelon juice to mix with.
Watermelon juice should be mixed with apples
300g watermelon
2 apples
2 teaspoons sugar
How to proceed?
Wash the outer shell of the above 2 ingredients.
Proceed to cut into small pieces.
Squeeze the watermelon and apple slowly. In the absence of a juicer, you can use a blender instead.
Add sugar to the juice, add a few ice cubes to your liking.
Choosing fresh ingredients will help make a glass of watermelon juice more attractive, contributing to increasing nutritional value for the body. Organica is known as the address providing safe and nutritious organic fruits and vegetables.